Monday, December 13, 2010

swf 2

I have been working a mostly school work these past few weeks.  I am going to have dive deeper into rabbit anatomy if I want to make more progress on my character design.  I have been finishing up the sculpture too.  It is due tomorrow, and will probably be posting soon.
I have also been messing around a bunch in flash.  This is a more updated version of the previous ship game

I am also working on another game with a few friends just to see what we can do.  I have tried to learn how to do an effective slope detection.  It is a pain.  I will post that too if it goes far enough.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Class Sculpture

So we are starting a sculpture in class.  This is mostly to learn anatomy, not to become perfect sculptors.  Our teacher has been extremely helpful (especially now that we are down to 6 students!).  The twisting of the arms have been giving me the most trouble.  I hope to be able to one day become great at this, and I am sure many of the students in class would say the same thing. I am planning to make more sculptures in the near future to sell, so I better get real good at this.

I have been doing other things such as the character creation work shop (which  I need to post my final designs soon), and looking more into Flash.  Flash is fun because it is very easy to make a game and post it on the internet.  I have been doing some research and the general consensus seems to be that it is very hard to make a living off of Flash games.  Oh well, I will be making stuff with it until I have more skills under my belt.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Flash Game

I've been taking a programming class in flash.  I have learned alot, and our teacher helped explain things very plainly.  It a very short game.  A standard space ship shooter.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Character Creation Workshop

There is a student at school who is running a workshop that will take us all the way through the character creation process in games. To get started, we were to brainstorm silohuettes.
You can read more about it at

I am thinking about making some kind of a combination of a rabbit and a lion. Its going to be some kind a defender thing